I a regular columnist for Forbes online - full archive my articles linked here

Below are links to recent media coverage of my books and work.

Summer Reading List - "Highly Recommended" by Wheelock College of Education at Boston University

Earthly Order: ‘mercurial professor’ with urgent ideas on climate change | Books | The Guardian

Russia has achieved at least 1 of its war goals: return Ukraine's water to Crimea : NPR

Could ‘Earthly Order’ Solve Our Environmental Crisis? | Saleem H Ali - Darin Olien

How Natural Laws Define Human Life - Shrink Wrap Radio with Dr. Van Nuys - Podcast

Bloomberg Businesweek Radio Recording and Podcast 

Do we need a Science Party for Earthly Order to prevail? Interview with David Keane

The Greening of Happiness - Blog Post for Arianna Huffington's "Thrive Global" site

Project Syndicate - Article on how the G7 should consider energy in synch with Earthly Order

Michael Shermer Show - two hour interview on book's themes - Video

Closer to Truth Chats with Robert Lawrence Kuhn - Video

Yale International Alliance - Webinar - Video

Cosmic and Earthly Order - Debate with Stephen Meyer

Critical minerals: Can we have our cake and eat it, too? 


Element of Surprise - Outisde/In Podacast from New Hampshire Public Radio

The Heavy Price of Aluminum - Darin Olien Show 

Sheila Khama Podcast - Renewable Energy

TED Talk - TED World Theater NY - A Minerals Trust for the Green Transition